On  Mon, 22 Nov 2004 at 00:23:42, David Tubbs wrote:

>comments to present survey version:-
>Section 2, I suggest that use for faxing might be in a section on how
>electronic communication is achieved - QL modem or other means.
>Also what other computer system might be in use - PC, MAC or UNIX/LINUX ??
>Section 3, Other addon cards, E-Progger - A/D card , any others ?
>Other motherboards ?
>Section 4, If it is to get a broader circulation  -  Are you still a
>mamber, and when  did you cease to be ?
>General -
>I rarely use a full screen window, plays some havoc with checkbox
>separating from title.
Yes, but I have kept the general width very small.  I use a window on my
screen, and it doesn't break awkwardly and it is only filling about 1/3
of the screen width on a 1680 wide screen.  That is less than 600, and
should suit all screens.

... and of course you can always adjust text size.
>Perhaps Text boxes with the "Other"s

I think I will have to draw the line now without your first three good
suggestions.  Quanta have said they will use the form, and I have to get
the core programming done quickly.  Once that is done, I may add more.

Thanks for all your comments.


         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
     tony@<surname>.co.uk  http://www.firshman.co.uk
       Voice: +44(0)1442-828254   Fax: +44(0)1442-828255
    TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
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