Rich Mellor wrote:
> So how do we overcome this problem if we have a filter that captures
> output to PAR but our printer is connected to the PAR device??  Guess the
> simplest solution is to have the PFF_USE command alter the PAR device as
> well??

No no no. Do not mess up the system to accommodate 20 year old
programs! Look at Windows, even XP is still compatible with Windows
1.0 applications and THAT is the main source of problems they have
with that platform. Kludge over kludge!

Ok, short recap: you want to rename all SER and PAR devices to be able
to rename the PFF device to be a SER or PAR device. And because of
what? To make some ancient programs happy that probably nobody uses
anymore anyway!

Work on the root of the problem! If you can't simply send those old
bastards to bit heaven then change them! Usually it's a 1 minute job,
take a hex editor, search for "SER", overwrite with "PFF" and that's


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