There's a village near Oswestry called Quinta (not sure of the
spelling, I remember it's one letter different to Quanta)

Dilwyn Jones
Yes, it always reminds me too of QUANTA.

It's an outlying district of Weston Rhyn and is named after Quinta Hall,
situated amongst its luscious fields [with its own 'Stone Hendge', folly].
Apply here for a 6-figure map reference - enclose QL Currency - 1 microdrive

Weston Rhyn (England) however, is an outlying district of Chirk (Wales).
Shall I go on.....!??  ;-)

.....Not quite - it is a Christian centre near Oswestry:

Yep, it's the international HQ for "Operation Mobilisation".

Shall I go on.....!??  ;-)

Best regards, QL'ers

John in Wales - in a village not not very far from Oswestry.

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