On Thursday 31 March 2005 19:20, gwicks wrote:
> I think there is something that is a more urgent priority. I was surprised
> to discover this year that committee members do not pay a subscription.
> This is not in the constitution and I have no idea when and why it was
> approved.
> As a matter of principle I have made a donation to Quanta equivalent to the
> subscription. I wonder what other committee members have done,

Well, since you ask the question, I can confirm that I have paid my membership 
for this year.

I came onto the committee last April (2004) and as such had already paid my 
membership fee in January 2004. The usual practise has been for committee 
members to then not pay a subscription while serving and to receive a free 
subscription the year after they stand down to make up for the year when they 
initially stand. As such I could then expect to get Jan 2005 to Dec 2005 
subscription paid for by Quanta.
I have already paid Jan 2005-Dec 2005.

My reason for payment is a far more simple excuse. I also pay associate 
membership fees giving an annual fee of £24. Rather than having to change 
direct debit forms and Quanta receiving unusual amounts, I just continue to 
pay my normal fee and the difference is treated by Quanta as a donation.
Nothing Machiavellian, I just cannot be bothered with the excess paperwork to 
gain £14 pounds and I might then forget the following year.
I have in the past not paid on time and been late because I assumed that the 
fees matched the magazine, running Feb to Jan, when in fact they run Jan to 

The constitution clearly states that committee members can award this free 
When this first came into practise I do not know. Perhaps the previous 
Treasurer, John Taylor, can remember, but I suspect it was before his time.

John S
QL-Users Mailing List

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