On  Mon, 1 Aug 2005 at 01:18:54, Marcel Kilgus wrote:

>Basically PDFs can be very small to very large, even with the same
>contents and mostly same quality, it all depends on the way the PDF is
>generated (i.e. it can position every individual character on the page
>or it can be satisfied with positioning whole lines, it can use data
>compression or not etc). But page count is usually not a decisive
>factor (unless the PDF is scanned graphics, in which case the white
>space at top and bottom of each page can add up considerably).

I use max image resolution and no compression for the "Berkhamsted
review" that I compile every month.  The 30mb .pub file turns into
typically 400mb of PDF!  Overkill I know, but my printer can handle it!

At the other end of the scale, this mag I put on my site for another
is 36 pages long and something under 1MB.

I think the 3mb talked about for Quanta is possibly the pdf for the
printer.  If it is for him, then it sounds far too small a file!  No
wonder quality is poor.

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