Am 09.08.2005 um 11:35 schrieb Engstler Karsten:

Hi Alex,

i'm from Germany too.
This week i hopefully will get my disk-interface, so it would be no problem for me to transfer your software to microdrives, just send me microdrives and a list of software (I can download the software if you give me the url). But be aware that it maybe can take a week for me to get time for the transfer.

Hi Karsten,

thanks for the offer. I will come back to it soon. I'm collecting some cartridges right now, check and format them...

From which part of Germany to you come from ?

Griesheim near Darmstadt/Frankfurt.

May be we could meet and exchange some infos.

Of course, I look forward to it. :-)
Regards Karsten

PS: Maybe if there enough people around in this list who like to attend An QL Party, I could organise a Location. I'm located between Frankfurt/Main and Fulda, so nearly exactly in the middle of Germany

That would be cool. I'm very curious to see some of these computers in action... and to experience what others do with them...


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