Peter Fox wrote:
> I have been trying to use SMSQ 3.03 on the Aurora and I cannot get Text87
> to work with it.
> If anyone has a copy of SMSQ 2.99 (or previous) for the Aurora that they
> could let me have I would be most grateful.

According to the private mails you've sent me you are trying to run a
Text87 version for Mode 16. Mode 16 doesn't even exist until IIRC
SMSQ/E 3.02. The driver that supports Mode 16 is a commercial
offering, done by me. It is *not* included in the general SMSQ/E

There was a patched Text87 version for Aurora *QL* mode. This has
nothing to do with MY patch, in fact my patch has to *undo* the Aurora
QL colour patch in order to work.

I have no idea where to get a Text87 version for Aurora in *QL* mode,
if that's what you're really looking for, I've never been involved in

SMSQ/E 2.99 will not help you.


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