On Tue, 30 Aug 2005 22:17:16 +0100 Robert Newson
> Engstler Karsten wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > can please someone give me a hint on this:
> > 
> > I have an 1084s RGB Monitor with:
> > 
> > Pin-Outs (1084S DB9)
> > 
> >   Pin 1: Ground
> >   Pin 2: Ground
> >   Pin 3: Red
> >   Pin 4: Green
> >   Pin 5: Blue
> >   Pin 6: Unused
> >   Pin 7: Composite Sync
> >   Pin 8: Horizontal Sync
> >   Pin 9: Vertical Sync
> > 
> > How do I connect the QL ?
> > it looks like HSYNC is missing on the QL site.
> When I've connected RGB monitors to my QL, I used RGB, GND & Comp 
> Sync and 
> they seemed to work fine.  So try:
>     Name    QL   Monitor
>      GND     2      1 or 2 (or possibly both - try to see which 
> works!?)
>      SYNC    4      7
>      GREEN   6      4
>      RED     7      3
>      BLUE    8      5
> Anyone want to offer any warning, or do you think it's ok to give 
> this a go?
> Robert

I'm not sure about the specific monitor you are referring to, but to use
a "standard" RGB Monitor with the QL, one of the signals has to be

Someone else can/will tell you how to do this -- I can tell you that it
involves a single chip + some rudimentary wiring/soldering -- the
schematic was floating around North America about 10+ years ago.

Sorry to be so non-specific.
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