In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Timothy Swenson 

>Using the idea from Dave Walker I have created a QL boot disk image using
>the RAWREAD utility. The end QLer will download this disk image file and
>RAWRITE program.  They will then put a formatted 1.44 Meg floppy in the
>disk drive and use RAWRITE to create a QL boot floppy.  This disk can then
>be used for a standard QL or many of the emulators that have floppy
>access.  I have put a number of files on the disk, including the PE, TK2,
>TTK, QLIB run, and other extensions.  I've also included QED and UNZIP.
>I'll right up some instructions and send the whole lot to Dilwyn in a
>couple of days.  This should at least get us started on helping those new
>or returning to the QL.  With unzip on the disk, they will then be able to
>download anything to their PC, xfer it cross to the QL, and then unzip it.
>To help read the PC floppies on the QL side, should I put MTOOLS on the
>boot disk too?  I think my next task is to document from the QL and/or PC
>how to xfer the .zip files to the QL.  Then I can see if I need MTOOLS on
>the disk or not.
>The advantage of this disk image is that the person in the middle of
>nowwhere with an QL and Internet connection can get all they need off the
>net and don't have to wait for someone to send them a boot floppy.

Looking useful, Tim.

When this is ready I could also put it on my web site, for the London QL 
and Quanta Group page.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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