Apologies to anyone who has attempted to email me over the last two weeks 
and found I either did not reply or the email bounced back.

About a fortnight ago the email service on my server collapsed under the 
volume of spam. Emails were coming in days late and then in multiple copies. 
At times the email service was closed down completely and it was impossible 
to send out emails on my main address.

Even worse 10 days ago the server refused to give me an estimate of how long 
the problems would last. I was about to go over to another server this 
weekend, when suddenly normal service was resumed.

Beeb.net has now done what it should have done years ago and set up 
effective spam filtering. Yesterday I received just 3 spams instead of the 
normal 70 - 90. Mind you I shall miss the occasional mailing from Christmas 
Island addressed to "Godlike gwicks" and telling me that 900 Japanese women 
are waiting "with longing in their hearts" for contact with me.

Best Wishes,


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