As an example of variety, I'll mention my confuser (computer :-) room: Three 
Macs (two of them laptops), two PCs (One 733, the other 133[!], a custom build 
long ago), and several QLs (many still in styrofoam boxes; one somewhat 
working). Yes, internet connectivity for four of the above. All as old as about 
1999 or farther back, with OS's as old as 98SE or QDOS, or as recent as SuSE 
10.x and Mac OS 10.3 . The Macs e.g. have been an education.

"My life? What life? I have no life. O insuportable! O heavy hour!"--Apologies 
to Messrs. Bill the Bard and Othello.

Actually, I  _do_ have a life outside computers.

Doug L. 37830

-----Original Message-----
>From: Rick Chagouri-Brindle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Feb 11, 2007 6:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [ql-users] A QL Trip Down Memory Lane
>Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rick Chagouri-Brindle 
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>> Not forgetting, that there is just as much value in hand skills too.
>I couldn't agree with you more. I have two young sons and the older boy, 
>who is four ,has his own laptop, but we ensure that he mixes sitting at 
>the computer with actually physically making things with kicking a ball 
>around with . . . . . . .
>> I have no problem with software investment going into PC applications.
>> What I find disappointing is that in many schools/colleges it is purely
>> a Microsoft environment and that students have no concept of the history
>> and development of ICT.  That, in my view, is a real shame.  Even in
>> programming, the concentration seems to be totally on Visual Basic -
>> with all the bad habits that gives us - without considering the huge
>> variety of better cross-platform languages.  Oh well, that's life, I guess!
>> Yes it is boring, but the way it is at present.
>A colleague of mine actually had a student penalised for "thinking 
>outside the box" and using an alternative language - Ruby - for a project.
>> My school has a Humanities specialist grant, that gives us even more M$ 
>> products, as a part of the deal.
>MS aren't stupid, are they?
>Actually, that reminds me.  I also "teach" on a volunteer basis at a 
>local pre-school.  I use the term teach with this age group very 
>loosely, but I was amazed how much these children pick up and how 
>quickly.  As part of the project, I setup and installed four PCs for 
>them, and we installed the Edubuntu Linux variant - partly for reasons 
>of cost, and partly because it is designed for young children.  They 
>have all taken too it so well, it is amazing.  Many of the children use 
>the machines with more confidence than some of the staff!!!
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