In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andy Barber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Hi Andy,

The Windows way is better supported for QL emulation.

With WIN 95, you will need to get Direct X installed ( although I can't remember which version goes with WIN 95, around about Ver 8 ? ).

You will also need to get the upgrade for WIN 95 :


Which is a Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor file.

All of these are available on Microsoft web site - which has recently been very much improved in its support for the older versions of Windows flavours. It is now very helpful.

My experience has been with QPC2 - commercial software - on Pentium I PC's - and it works just fine.

You do not need a large hard drive either.

I would also recommend keeping the "WIN" drives, needed by the Emulator, at around 200Mb to 300Mb.

Any larger, and they are then slow to load. This is because they are in fact one large file.

So, better to have more than one "WIN" drive, each at a reasonably small size, rather than just the one very big one.

External drives - like ZIP drives, etc - are also useful, as "WIN" drives can be put on them too.

I use an external 250Mb Zip drive to transfer data around to different PC's, when required..

QPC2 set up is easy. The supplied file installs itself, with a shortcut icon for the Program on the Windows desktop.

You can configure it to run as Window, under Windows, and hence multi-task with any other PC software that my be running. Or allow it to take over the PC host entirely.

It uses SMSQ/E as the OS, not QDOS.

Format a hard drive, - "WIN" - to a suitable size, following the instructions.

Then install your software, as you wish.

QPC2 sees all the hardware devices available - flp, DOS drive(s), CD-ROM's, etc.

I use QDT - the QL Desktop - which has folders and file launching abilities with just one mouse click; once you have invested the initial time in setting it all up.

I also use Dilwyn's QTrans on the file handling side, because it is so easy to use and well implemented.

Thanks for all your replies. Being an atheist, I'm not going for the "Super God Card," fine though it sounds!

I'm getting my old Pentium 1 out of storage & will emulate from that PC.

   I want an RJ45 card for it to connect to my Intranet, any suggestions?
   Should I emulate the QL with Win 95, or Linux on this PC?
   If Linux, should I remove Win 95, to free up the disk space?
(I can't remember how big the HD is but it must be small, as it is so old!)
       How do I remove Win 95 & all data AND then install Ubuntu?
       What is the Linux QL emulator called?
           (OK the answer is in the thread above but I ask for completeness.)

Andy Barber
Tel: +44 20 8402 3385 ~ Mobile +44 791 883 4739 ~ Fax: +44 705 069 5845

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