Geoff Wicks schreef:
The Just Words! website is due to close in a weeks time.
This is sad news.

The site host, Lycos, is cutting out all unprofitable activities, and although 
they promised site hosting would remain until at least the end of March they 
have now brought the closure forward to 15th February.

I have been investigating alternative hosts with the intention of making the 
site a little more professional and until this weekend was intending to 
relaunch the site as soon as possible. I am now having serious second thoughts 
and may keep the site permanently closed.

Rewriting the site for a new host will be a time consuming task given the numerous links that have to be changed and I have to consider whether the usage of the site - 9 people per week - justifies this time investment. QL activities take up much of my time that could be devoted to other things. In particular I have a number of family history projects that are on permanent hold. I have still not kept a promise to a niece that I made 3 years ago.
It is very tempting to abandon the QL to be able to spend more time on family 
history. The last time I wrote anything for one of the family history magazines 
I was paid generously for my work. The article produced a large number of 
reactions including one from a distant relative I had never heard of before and 
who had masses of family photos. In return she got a mass of detail from me 
that peviously she had known nothing about. The QL prevents from doing more 
work like this.

If you want something from the Just Words! website, download it in the next 7 

Best wishes,


I don't have time to download anything for a few days (health, doctor, hospital probably). Why not put everything on a CD or allow someone (Dilwyn?) to put your software on his website?

Hope your decision isn't final and thanks for all you have done for the  QL.
François Van Emelen

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