I have a serial cable and can get the machines talking to each other. I'm doing the following, on the QL

copy_n mdv1_filename to ser1hz

on the PC

copy com1 filename

This appears to work ok for text-based files, which I can then open up and load in Q-Emulator. However, for binary files I am having problems in that the transfer never completes - the PC reports the transfer as complete, but the QL is still sending, and I end up with only part of the file on the PC. I think what's going on is that there's a combination of characters within the file body that is being interpreted as an EOF (ctrl-z).

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how best I can get my files copied across. I will also need to get some files from the PC to the QL (i.e. I haven't tried yet), are there any pitfalls or tips to getting that to work.

Many thanks for any help.
I'm not sure about the eact problem you decided regarding possible false EOF, but you should beware of the risk of losing the executable file header when a binary (executable) file header gets saved on the PC hard disk. QemuLator can handle such files in its own directories as it stores the header separate to the executable.

One possible way of working around this is to make a note of the executable program file's length and dataspace on the QL then you stand a chance of being able to restore these in qemulator - lbytes the program file into the common heap, then SEXEC filename$,start,length,dataspace

If you had a floppy disk drive on the QL and PC, this would have been the easiest way as Qemulator can read QL floppy disks.

There are a couple of pages on my website regarding transfer, but it looks like you've done the hard work already, just need to find a way to work around the ctrl-z problem.

Dilwyn Jones

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