Hi Dilwyn
I recently sent an email message to John G. setting out my own basic philosophy 
regarding my personal approach to my use of QL and it occurs to me that, whilst 
there is a quite brilliant developmental QL concept, there is an aspect of QL 
usage that might well be exploited. What I envisage, is a ' vintage ' approach 
i.e. a sort of re-visit to some of the wonderful software that excited us so 
much when it first appeared and which, even then alerted us to the brilliance 
of the QL. We have the ' Channel 5  Top Gear ' enthusiasts but we also perhaps  
have, people such as myself who have an active nostalgia for things, such as 
'cars of yesteryear' that; though they are in hindsight, recognised as having 
been more than adequate for the purposes for which they were designed, have 
fallen victim to the obsession for unremitting refinement and updating '. It 
may be that, in the realms of computing, I am representing myself as something 
of a ' troglodyte '
 but, I love the QL for what it is, rather than as a springboard for parallel 
identification with systems that, in their sheer scope and brilliance 
are becoming, in my humble opinion, totally unrecognisable as practical, 
straightforward instruments for the extension of our ability to perform 
'ordinary', perhaps even 'mundane' daily tasks for which, our mental capacity 
may be, at times -  to say the least - less than adequate. I know that I am 
probably addressing a dwindling group  of actively interested, people but, if, 
like myself, they are people who have lived with the QL throughout its 
formative years they may well, again like myself, have a hankering to re-visit 
and almost certainly to learn more about the tools we already have to 
hand which justify our conviction as to the soundness of our original choice.
--- On Thu, 6/8/09, Dilwyn Jones <dil...@evans1511.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

From: Dilwyn Jones <dil...@evans1511.fsnet.co.uk>
Subject: [Ql-Users] Quanta news
To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
Date: Thursday, 6 August, 2009, 1:32 PM

I'm in the process of putting together the news column for Quanta
magazine and would like to hear from anyone who has any QL-related
news which could be included

You are welcome to send the news either direct to my email address or to the 
Quanta address news AT quanta DOT org DOT uk

-- Dilwyn Jones

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