On 23/02/10 10:41, François Van Emelen wrote:

> For Quill docs I use Norman Dunbar's QSTRIPPER. It is fast easy to use
> and it can save in TXT, HTML, DOCBOOK XML and PDF format. Accented
> vowels are converted correctly.

Hmmm. I'm glad to hear that someone (other than me) is using QStripper -
I think it's quite a nifty little program and it is being updated from
time to time. Slowly, and occasionally!

One thing it doesn't do, yet, but I'm in the process of making it do, is
to preserver tab settings for each paragraph.

Unfortunately, that's only going to work in TXT format I'm afraid, the
remainder don't honour tabs (XML/Docbook and HTML especially) - one day

Give me a shout if there's anything you want fixing!

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