Malcolm Cadman wrote, on 2/Jun/10 21:11 | Jun2:
In message <>, Tony Firshman <> writes

Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 2/Jun/10 10:12 | Jun2:
P.S. Best wishes for a great time to Gerhard and everyone going to the
Austrian meeting in Prottes, which runs from tomorrow to Sunday (the
meeting, not Prottes!)! Can't be there myself unfortunately...hope
someone can send me some pictures for Quanta mag to show what you all
got up to!

I am taking my new Canon EOS1 so you can have as many of the 12mb images
you can digest (8-)#

I have loads of photos, but Adobe Photoshop is crashing trying to make the web photo gallery.
I will re-install Photoshop later today and see if I can get it to work.


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