Evening Dilwyn,

> No. The style sheet changes let me change a lot of things very quickly.
> Meaning I can spend more time on the QL contents, less on the
> maintenance of appearance etc.
That's the entire raisin d'etre of CSS. You can easily change the entire
website look and feel without affecting the content!

> The only niggling bit is that Firefox browsers seem to ignore the font
> setting (sans-serif fonts specified but it always uses Times New Roman).
This might be because you have it configured to use a TNR font instead
of the one on the page or specified in the style sheet?

> (amazing what you can achieve in HTML
> layouts with just simple tables!).
And even better what you can achieve without tables and with a little
more CSS. Check out the CSS Zen Garden for a load of ideas.


> Like I said before, it was pressure from my son which made me do this.
Not that I'm getting old, you understand (50 in April 2010) but I
remember when he was born!

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