Rich Mellor wrote, on 7/Oct/10 19:16 | Oct7:
 On 07/10/2010 13:37, Tony Firshman wrote:
 Rich Mellor wrote, on 7/Oct/10 13:33 | Oct7:

Has anyone ever come across a blurry picture from the QL on a Microvetic Cub monitor?

I know it is not the QL at fault as I have tried it with another monitor - does anyone else have any suggestions? There do not appear to be any controls on the monitor other than brightness

There should be a focus control inside.


( standard disclaimer appended (8-)#  )

Ah I found the technical manual on line for it - there is a focus control inside on the part where the signal is combined - an easy fix, although fancy having the control inside pointing towards the big capacitors where the high voltages are stored!

Yes indeed. Use plastic tools, and be careful. One thing worth doing with the Microvitek, and with power *long* off is to hoover it. It is mightily prone to high voltage sparks when very dusty. When this happens, it kills the 8301. I have seen many examples of failed QLs due to this, and actually saw (and heard) the spark myself on one of my QLs.


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