Sorry Dilwyn not to be able to get this *first* privately to you, but you've accidentally set something in motion following your misunderstanding of what I wrote privately to you. I have to post this here now to try and stop
possible wrong results.

Dilwyn wrote -

I've made a start on this by sending "John in Wales" (John Hitchcock) my Glossary_txt file with a request for him to add any other terms and
between us we'll try to "fill the gaps". Meanwhile, if anyone has
suggestions of QL terminology to add to the list to let John know so
he can add the terms to the list for me to write up when it's in a
ready state.

Unfortunately Dilwyn forgot to ask me what I think about this above.

Sorry, folks, but it's not my idea of a way forward.

Greetings to all

John in Wales
Apologies John, it does seem I totally misunderstood what you had in mind.(Have replied privately.)

However, if anyone else would like to pick up on the possibilities of an enhanced glossary, please let me know. It might still be a useful project in its own rights, even though it wasn't what John had in mind.

Dilwyn Jones

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