Dilwyn Jones wrote, on 29/Nov/10 13:27 | Nov29:
The overflow is *below* the head area and has nothing to do with print
imperfections. On the 830P it was dead easy.

Oh, OK. Still not got the confidence to try tackling it though, even
though you say it was dead easy on the 830P!

Actually, that might explain when it got repaired why there was ink
everywhere inside. They probably fixed that, since it hasn't splashed
ink everywhere inside since the repair.

Any ideas what the occasional blue streak lines might be then? It keeps
happening even after I last changed the two cartridges, but not
consistently. One of the print head nozzles leaking slightly perhaps?
Strangely enough, it usually happens when I use the Inksaver software or
draft mode. Printing at full correspondence quality is usually fine
(though that might just be because of the sheer amount of ink full
quality puts on the paper).

I've had more than my money's worth out of this printer for several
years now, so I'm not going to moan - if it dies tomorrow, I still can't
grumble (apart from the number of TO19/20 cartridges still in my desk!)

'fraid not.

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