On 11/01/2011 11:15, Peter wrote:
Hi all,

what would be your favorite style for an SD/MMC card "harddisk" for the

I can _not_ promise to really make a piece of hardware available, but it
would be nice to know, just in case...

A) External interface, plugs into parallel port of SuperGoldCard

- Interface also works on Q40 and Q60
- QL Case doesn't need to be openened
- Easy reconnect from one machine to another
- Hot-plugging might work
- ROM-Port remains usable
- Slow data transfer through parallel port handshake lines

B) External interface, plugs into QL ROM port

- QL Case doesn't need to be openened
- Faster data transfer
- Onboard Driver ROM
- Works on QL without GoldCard / SuperGoldCard
- ROM-Port occupied
- Complex hardware

C) Internal interface, plugs into CPU socket

- Fastest data transfer
- ROM-Port remains usable
- QL Case needs to be openened
- Only GoldCard/SuperGoldCard machines

D) Internal interface, replacing a microdrive(!)

Can easily be bolted inside the case, after a microdrive was removed
Plugs into CPU socket or maybe other place

- SD/MMC-card can be plugged in like a cartridge
- Looks cool
- Very "QL-style"
- ROM-Port remains usable
- QL Case needs to be openened

All the best,

QL-Users Mailing List

Hi Peter,

Now, this is a project I would like to back and distribute, so I should be careful here!

I also think that this is a question you should ask on the QL Forum also - www.qlforum.co.uk - it might make it a bit easier to collate responses and keep track of everyone's comments!

I think option C is really a non-starter, as there are too few Gold Cards / Super Gold Cards out there and plenty of people in need of one, so without any replacement interface on the horizon, this would be limiting the market too much.

Style-wise (D) seems a good option - the microdrive cartridges are now so hard to find and are mostly badly deteriorated that the life of microdrive units is now severly limited. If a means of connecting it via the MDV connector could be conjured up - would it be possible to adapt this to fit into a ZX Microdrive unit for use on the Spectrum also I wonder?

However, the other logistics are how similar functionality could be provided for the THOR, Qx0 etc. Presumably, depending on the drivers, this functionality could be added by means of an industry standard SD card -> IDE convertor - if so, then presumably that would provide an option for users with an Aurora + QubIDE also?

As for B - I am not sure how many people use the ROM port - perhaps that could be overcome by providing the ability in the interface to insert an EPROM for a toolkit, or more importantly for a language dongle (metacomco C, Pro-Fortran etc) - after all, Miracle's hard disk did still allow use of a ROM cartridge (from memory) although I may be wrong there.

I therefore think that B or D would be the preferred solutions for me.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services


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