peet vanpeebles wrote, on 11/Jan/11 17:19 | Jan11:

--- On Tue, 11/1/11, Peter<>  wrote:

From: Peter<>
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] QL SD/MMC-Card interface survey
Date: Tuesday, 11 January, 2011, 16:59

Tony Firshman wrote:

It did strike me that Peter's hope to use it in a std QL might not be
straightforward. Even if the drivers fit, will there be enough memory
left to do anything useful?

Never planned to support an unexpanded QL yet. That would take away the
option to easily use the CPU socket. The 68008 has capacitors soldered on
it, so a sandwich solution with the 68008 would pile up too high.

> I don't think either of mine have capacitors on them? A purple
> ceramic chip with a gold center.
The German and US build (Korea I think)and others with 9D serial ports do. This also comes with a whole raft of other EMI mods. The vast majority, including all UK builds, don't have these capacitors.
I would have thought they could be removed with little problem.

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