Lee Privett wrote:

Thanks guys, I am now giving some serious thought to a Retro Arcade
Console with the QL at the core, but at switch-on I don't want the user
to have to see or press the F1/F2 configuration choice, so the next thing
is in the EPROM code (which I assume will run first) can I get it jump
passed the F1/F2 choice and just to if F2 has been pressed so that it
finishes off the sequence as in TV mode and looks for a boot file or will
it just load in extensions from the memory locations in the EPROM?

As far as I know, just Minerva supports an automatic start of the OS after a few seconds.

With Jochen's tool, you can also put a SuperBASIC program into the eprom. This will be set as a device BOOT, which the OS searches first.

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