I would be interested in buying one. The DIN connectors seem to be
rather expensive so I'm a bit concerned about the price. A kit instead
of a finished assembly would also be nice. Four slots would probably
be optimal for my use. Can't answer your other questions since I have
never used one before :)


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 5:26 PM, Plastic <plasticu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been asked off-list if I could make some backplanes. I have a stack
> of the connectors already, so, if there was demand, I could do this quite
> easily.
> The questions are:
> Is there any demand for this?
> Is there any deficiency or design issue with previous ones that needs
> correcting? (clearances? support? clean power?)
> How are they normally used/oriented? How could they be improved?
> How many expansion ports does your backplane have, how many do you use, and
> how many do you wish you had?
> Maybe people could send me photos off-list of their backplane set-ups so I
> can see what people are doing!
> Dave
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