Lee Privett wrote, on 23/Feb/11 08:46 | Feb23:
I liked the following comment by one observer and couldn't put it better myself 
"Those were great times before the internet and IBM-compatibles distracted us from 
real computing. "

One of Dave's survey questions asked about the internet and although it is a 
useful resource,

>I have lost many an evening looking at one site which is hardly productive (entertaining maybe).

> Ignorance is bliss (Matrix, but maybe from somewhere else also), I really do not know many benefits of the QL having full access to the 'web' compared to other more pressing priorities.

No 'maybe' about it. My first thought was, of course, Shakespeare, but it is in fact the closing lines by Thomas Gray (16th c) from http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Ode_on_a_Distant_Prospect_of_Eton_College

"where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise."

You should have wasted some prime internet time Googling for that (8-)#

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