On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Lee Privett <lee.priv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Pressing priorities like getting my current real QL(s) up to a standard
> that substantially exceeded my 84/85 version (which was a handmade
> internally expanded to 640K machine and that was it) so that I can get the
> remainder of the microdrive data off the microdrives on to floppies, use the
> QL as a reasonable test bed for software written using emulation. Anything
> off the web I need then I use a trouble free (ha-ha)
> Mac/PC/IPhone/iPad/Linux system and transfer it to emulation or to the QL.
> Getting it on to the QL is still the hardest for me, Floppy is my immediate
> project, following that the SD interface currently discussed here is one of
> the next, along with the Minerva upgrade (maybe at the end of March
> Tony/Rich?), I am tempted by the Gold Card possibility but would prefer SGC
> if there was one or anything NEW or even a replacement SGC in that area,
> mainly for graphic improvement to the QL (and speed) above the basic 4/8
> colour mode. this is all so that I can get back to pro
>  gramming stuff like you are doing Dave but not for the original QL. So
> anything hardware related to the QL is of interest except for access to the
> internet, I like having the QL back in my possession, it acts as a constant
> and partial inspiration for me, but not to collect dust like it is for some
> others, a definitely not as a commodity to appreciate in value, that is my
> viewpoint.

Good, detailed answer :)

I have been talking to Tony (Lau is AWOL) about Minerva 2. I would really
like to do a Minerva ROM board that allows you to choose to boot either
Minerva 1.98 or JS ROMs, since it's always handy to have both. If I can get
permission and licenses, I'll be doing that. If SMSQ/E fit in 64KBytes I'd
be talking to Jochen too, but it doesn't...

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