Dave Park wrote, on 24/Feb/11 16:02 | Feb24:

I have completed and tested the design of my ATX controller. It has been
tested with 12 different 20 and 24 pin ATX 2.X power supplies ranging from
180W to 750W.

It works perfectly.

I am now taking this prototype and turning it into PCB form. It will allow
anyone who has cased their QL to case it in an ATX case with proper power
supply control. This will dramatically widen the choices for cases, and when
combined with a backplane will allow ultimate expansion choices. I have
designed it so a flying lead can also supply well-regulated +5v through the
QL expansion interface, and/or through the location where the 7805 voltage
regulator normally fits.

I will be traveling the next few days, but I will publish the gerbers and
schematic when I get back, and do the math on a small production run next

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Sounds great. "Traveling" and "Math" though - you are becoming an American (8-)#


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