That's also a good way of doing it.

Thanks, George.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of gdgqler
Sent: 28 February 2011 15:09
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Help: Function to tell whether display is better
than QL standard

On 28 Feb 2011, at 14:01, Adrian Ives wrote:

> I know I've seen this somewhere but, as usual, when you really want 
> something it refuses to be found!
> I'm looking for a function to use in S*BASIC that will tell me if the 
> display driver is capable of providing resolutions greater than the 
> QL's mode 4 & 8 defaults - it would be enough just to know if the 
> display driver is GD2 or not.  It has to run on any QL system, 
> including clones and emulators.  Can anyone help?

I look to see if WM_BLOCK is a valid keyword. If so then I assume that GD2
colours are there.

By using TURBO I am able to replace WM_BLOCK by a valid keyword even though
the real WM_BLOCK is not there.

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