Adrian Ives wrote, on 28/Feb/11 11:33 | Feb28:

If you're talking about the "drivers" built into the USBWiz, there's USB
printer support and HID for mice and keyboards. However, nobody should get
excited about that because the USB printer support appears to be raw data
only so it would need a driver written.  Keyboard and mouse might be
possible, but I've already covered the problems of running them across the
same serial connection as used for the storage devices.
Yes exactly as I remembered - printer support is next to useless.

Beyond that, it would be possible to talk to just about anything USB ...
with a driver.

The Ser-USB driver currently supports SD Cards and USB Mass Storage devices;
both accessed in native QDOS mode.

Those were the two that immediately looked practical.
I thought it  supported only FAT 8.3?  How do you work around that?


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