With grateful thanks to Rich Mellor for helping me get copies of these, I have now been able to put what I believe to be the most recent British versions of Abacus (v2.35), Archive (V2.38), Easel (V2.35) and Quill (V2.35) onto my website now, so that if you have an earlier version, or would just like to add them to your collection, they are here to download.


Please be aware of course that this software is still copyright of Psion, although they do allow free distribution of this old QL software on a non-profit basis.

There is also a show report and pictures from this weekend's Quanta workshop and AGM at http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/gen/quanta/agm2011/agm2011.htm for anyone who'd like to see what went on there, or it can be accessed from the Quanta page on my site at http://www.dilwyn.me.uk/gen/quanta/quanta.html

Quanta's own website at www.quanta.org.uk is temporarily down for maintenance while the new ISP (WEC) migrates the CMS and pages to the new host, for the time being Keith Dunbar has placed a temporary link to the Quanta page on my website until the main Quanta site is ready to go again.

Dilwyn Jones

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