
Well I currently have a Super Gold Card and some ED disk drives....
But how can I create a disk image of an ED disk and get it onto the PC ?
Anyone ?

Off the top of my head

Open device
Open output file

Initialise sector to be read to first sector

repeat loop

        read one sector
        write to output file
        increment sector to be read

end loop

close output file
close input device

Now, it is possible that the reading of the next sector might cause problems when it's a double sided floppy. But you never know?

I'm not sure exactly how "dd" on Linux reads a floppy - it seems to know to read both sides and happily creates the image.

Once you have the image on your QL, zip it up and whizz it over the wherever you want it to be and test it?


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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