Ade Vickers wrote, on 20/Jun/12 09:45 | Jun20:
pjwitte wrote:

Like reading my bloomin obituary ;)

No, Im alive and QLing, though not actively developing stuff
(for the time being). Knoware is down as I dont have a host.
Tested hosting it on an old laptop via DynDNS, but could get
it to reliably wake up via internet, and didnt think it
worthwhile keeping runing 24/7. Now the laptop's dead :( Im
thinking of getting a cheap-to-run netbook or something, and
might try again. Let you know if or when I get back online.
In the mean time, if you need anything, and know what you
need, let me know.

... but of course he probably would not need to use the command line, as he could (S)FTP in I am sure.


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