In message <4CDBA5AD11C04B28983C066AECBA2369@AnnPC>, Dilwyn Jones <> writes has been hacked...

Does anyone have their phone no. to let them know (assuming they don't
So sad about all the hacking of late.

Computeractive said in a recent issue that millions of passwords had been stolen from LinkedIn, Last FM/Spotify and eHarmony and now it looks like B T inte rnet email possibly hacked too.

Couple that with rumours (admittedly only speculation) that what happened to some of the big UK banks in the last week or so was initiated by a hacking or DOS attack prior to the "old technology failure" officially admitted.

Computeractive magazine gave the website address for checking if your passwords are on a "stolen" list.

Must be some big scale foreign hacking going on, or we are simply hearing about more incidents, so remember to use STRONG passwords everyone.

It's easy to make emails look like they're coming from someone else, but these spammers have obviously gained access to contacts lists within the email accounts.

The internet sure as hell ain't the friendly place it used to be years ago!



Shame it has happened to them ... :-(

Well done to everyone on this list who have quickly spotted the problem.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

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