Geoff Wicks wrote, on 23/Sep/12 20:10 | Sep23:
The bill for the current 12 months of my website came to £47.84. I use a 
commercial host that many small businesses and organisations use and I get a 
good service.

That website that, by universal acclaim, is the best QL website ever is run 
more cheaply than I run mine. The host is Tony Firshman and I understand the 
owner of the site gets a good service from him.
You missed out a line I think.
You are talking I am sure about Dilwyn's site.
I currently charge £18 per year plus VAT.

Last year Quanta spent £346 on its website, which is more than seven times what 
I am paying.

Could someone please explain to me what Quanta is getting for this money that I 
am not getting. And why, after spending so much members' money, the Quanta 
website, apart from the news section, appears to have been at a complete still 
stand for about 18 months,

Interesting question. I understand they use a content management system, but if the site doesn't change, that seems superfluous!


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