Bryan Horstmann wrote, on 19/Oct/12 09:32 | Oct19:


Is there an easy/in-expensive way to use the QL keyboard, which I find
quite OK, on a R-pi?
Interesting to know though if anyone can come up with a method.
The starting point I guess is an I/O device to convert the QL row/column into a serial stream.
I daresay it is not impossible but .......

There's a Ciseco board on ebay for £7.68

  K002 - Slice of Pi/o - add on Raspberry Pi - buffered I/O I2C upto 128

Is that the sort of thing which might do it?
This gives 16 inputs and matches the QL keyboard row/columns exactly.

The issue then is software only maybe. One has to persuading the system to stuff data into the keyboard queue. Not a clue how though, or even if it is possible at all. The IBM keyboard input is serial and a complex structure.

Over to Linux experts........


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