jon wrote -

I think the keyboard issue is specific to my Lenovo desktop pc...not sure
what the problem actually is, but in QPC I don't get the correct characters
from the keyboard making work difficult. SMSQmulator fixes it....


On my Lenovo G575 W7/64bit laptop, something precipitated a similar and frustrating keyboard problem. It was noticed after I had just commissioned Windows Live Mail - though I cannot be sure it can be blamed.

Reading from my hard-copy log, this is what I wrote at the time -

1. WORD & E-mails now demonstrate a wrong character set.

2. Set international settings (somehow changed to 'US' from 'UK') to 'UK' and hot reboot. No cure!
3. Change 'system locale' to 'UK'' and hot reboot.  - No cure!
4. Change 'Input Language Keyboard to 'UK' - and hot reboot. - Cured! [£,#,\,' etc sorted]

HTH jon

John in Wales

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