Marcel Kilgus wrote, on 27/Jan/13 18:05 | Jan27:
Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
Well, drawing to the screen is heavy on the resources, ESPECIALLY when
one is in QL compatible mode. Basically, I redraw the ENTIRE screen once
for every pixel changed (or every 2 or 4 fixels in QL mode).
If anyone could point me to a way to change a wingle pixel in a window
I'd be grateful...

QPC of course has the same problem. I solve this by using a queue that
buffers display accesses and only apply the changes to the screen
image 62,5 times per seconds.

Is there anything to be gained from the (very) old trick of storing the previous screen content and only writing changes?

I know when Ben (my son) did this with a javascript application it resulted in a three times speed improvement.


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