I wonder if I'm the only person seeing this because I have not seen it reported here previously.

I use config->Set screen size to set a new screen size. I choose, for the sake of argument, 512x256. The screen redraws and reboots SMSQ/E and the screen is bigger than I wanted.

Going back in to config->set screen size again, shows that the current size is 1024x512. Double what I requested.

In order to get the screen size I want, I have to set it to half what I want.

Also, when I do set the screen size, rounding the X size to the next "divisible by 8" value diesn't appear to be happening. If I select 101x101 I actually get 202x202 and this "Illegal Instruction $4afb at $7f6a6a" in the shell window I started SMSQmulator from.

All of this is 1.05 and with 16 bit colours or QL colours. Not all screen sizes give the error message though, but all of them go double sized.


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
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LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
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