Op Mon, 18 Feb 2013 16:30:12 +0100 schreef Norman Dunbar <nor...@dunbar-it.co.uk>:

200 IF IS_EXTN('palette_ql') and RMODE>4: pcol 4

I don;t see IS_EXTN anywhere in the raed me or user guide, nor can I find anything that supplies it in win1_extns (or anywhere else!). Palette_ql isn't an extension either.

Obviously Wolfgang had this IS_EXTN on his system when he wrote this boot.
The origin is unknown, it's not in my Keywords database.

PALETTE_QL is an SMSQ/E keyword so should always be there anyway, unless it was removed.

RMODE is a QPTR command and will most likely not produce the correct result, it's missing from this boot.
You can use DISP_TYPE in stead of rmode.


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