Op Thu, 21 Feb 2013 06:19:29 +0100 schreef Wolfgang Lenerz <w...@wlenerz.com>:

Even in v1.09 the DIR_SELECT$ bug still exists.
Memory corruption as soon as the menu is opened. Some of the directories
in the list may not exist for this SMSQ/m but the main root it opens
with is win1_, which does exist.


Hi Bob,

There is a well known bug in dir_select$ in that, when you select a non existing dir after having selected a valid dir, it crashes.

For example, any dir_select$ I do comes up with dev1_basic_ as default dir, which is an existing dir. If I now change that to nfa_basic_, which doesn't exist, it crashes. But that crash happens on all machines.

Is that what happens to you?
Because apart from that I can't find your bug here.

I know about that bug but as far as I know this should not happen if you don't change this setting in configuration: "short filenames in File-Select =>No". Besides DIR_SELECT$ defaults with win1_ (=PROGD$ & DATAD$) from the commandline and that does exist, it's the boot device.
It crashes even before I can select a new dir.

Of course it is impossible to know from every app that calls this tool if the dir they supply exists. Especially when in this case I copy files from my QPC2 .win to the .win I set up for SMSQ/m.

My initial problem showed when I tried to use the DOS device from QPC2 to copy some zipped files between them.
In the end I configured ACP "by hand" with Config.
But the joy was short lived because ACP also relies on DIR_SELECT$ and thus immediately crashed SMSQ/m.


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