WILLIAM WAUGH wrote, on 20/Mar/13 13:46 | Mar20:

BTW you need to set your mailer to use quote characters.  Without them the 
email you were replying to (snipped) looks part of what you were saying.

Apologies to all firstly for duplicate posting and also for this top posting 
reply ( I'm of the old school on this although pretty sure I could get used to 
Tony I take your point re quoting, baffled me for a while, think I may have got 
it though.
I have of late been replying to mails direct from Yahoo site (due to too many 
genuine mails being put in spam) , a quick look didn't find a setting but it 
does seem set up for top replying and as I replied at the bottom it probably 
just lumped my text in with Normans, will investigate further and return to 
All the best - Bill

That looks perfect.

..... bar the top posting (8-)#

One can always defeat the systems by editing, as I have done here.


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