As some of yo might be aware, I'm in the middle of completing the libGen utility that I started in QL Today some time back, as an example of using a dynamic application sub-window menu.

I've run into a snag, and I'm looking for assistance.

I'm trying to remove an application sub-window menu, from an application sub-window (I think Tony was on drugs when he named these things!) and then, put a new menu in it's place.

Looking at other code - hello George - I've seen that it can be done, but with much fiddling about in the working definition and a call to WM.WRSET followed by a call to WM.MDRAW. Unfortunately, while this works, it only works when the window has nothing else on it, except loose items.

The problem is that the WM.WRSET call clears out the application sub-window menu quite happily, but it also clears out everything from the information windows etc as well. I suppose this is to be expected given the description of the call in the manual.

I'm looking for something like MAWCLEAR does in Easy Menu - I just need to wipe out an existing menu and redraw the window with a new one. As far as I remember, MAWCLEAR does exactly that.

I could disassemble MAWCLEAR, I suppose, but I'm getting old and lazy, so if someone has the details of how I could go about doing the above, MAWCLEAR equivalent, please advise.

I have 41 people signed up to my assembly language mailing list - I never knew I had so many readers! I'm waiting for the final Paper QL Today to come out with my last article in it before I start sending stuff out on the list. I would love to get this utility finished, so I'd really appreciate the assistance. Thanks.


PS. If someone has an annotated disassembly of MAWCLEAR, that would help too! ;-)

Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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