Marcel wrote:
> Subtitle: The fullscreen mode is dead, long live the fullscreen mode.
> After hours of messing with the fullscreen mode that I will never get back
> I've decided to make a somewhat drastic step and remove it altogether.
> makes the display driver code infinitely easier to work with.
> But fear not, another fullscreen mode has taken its place. One that will
> allow you to change the display resolution but which will play much nicer
> other applications and will hopefully work better and in any other
> Please give it a chance ;)
I like it much better than the old way of a FSM which did change the
computers graphics card configuration (resolution/colour depth) and made
Windows nervous in some occasions. The new FSM leaves graphics card control
to Windows and hence is no more disturbing the systems behaviour. In this
version CTRL+SHIFT+F12 (toggle FSM)and CTRL+SHIFT+ScrollLock (EXIT QPC2)
work again.

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