-----Original Message-----
>From: Peter Graf <pg...@q40.de>
>Sent: Sep 14, 2013 8:53 AM
>To: ql-us...@q-v-d.com
>Subject: [Ql-Users] A seat in the lifeboat?
>since the turn of the century, I invested a lot of time into some QL
>hardware and software projects. Except the Q60 Graphics Card, all of
>them actually worked, and have been shown to a few friends.
>I didn't have the motivation to finish them. For a long time, the reason
>was that I saw the requirement for a free QL operating system first. I
>spent time on that area, trying to help others who had a similar goal.
>But we did noch achieve a breakthrough, and my other projects suffered.
>Life has changed, time has become even shorter nowadays. It is
>absolutely unrealistic that all my projects can be released someday. But
>maybe I can rescue at least *one* of them, before all work is lost forever.
>Everything related to my Coldfire based Q60 successor makes no sense
>anymore. The point was high speed, but todays PCs are so fast that
>emulation easily beats it. Here are those projects which might still
>have relevance:
>* QLwIP: QL native TCP/IP support, and some applications for it like
>email, webserver, browser etc.
>* QLPUI: A modern GUI for QDOS, with themes and proportional fonts. Runs
>on native hardware and on emulators. A simple demo can be found at
>* Q60 Graphics Card: Flatscreen monitor support and other improvements
>for the Q60
>* QLMMC: An SD/MMC card adaptor for the parallel port of Q60 and
>SuperGoldCard, easy to plug in, but speed only similar to floppy
>* QLSD: Internal SDHC card "harddisk" for the original QL, using the
>microdrive slots
>* Q68: Native QL computer on a 8x10 cm board, flatscreen support, SDHC
>cards, sound, SER, ethernet. CPU is within an FPGA chip. Runs both QDOS
>Classic and Minerva. The operating systems themselves seem to work
>allright by now, also Basic and some programs. Other programs might
>never work, I suspect further bugs in the CPU.
>Which project deserves a seat in the lifeboat? Which one would *you*
>prefer to see finished - even if it comes with limitations?
>All the best
>QL-Users Mailing List


Doug LaVerne 37830 USA
Ql Forever into the Modern Day even if BBx
QL-Users Mailing List

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