Evening Marcel,


> EX adds 12 bytes for "two pipes (and two counts)". Reading the source
the counts seem to refer to two words counting the number of channels
and the bytes of the command string (EX test_exe;'command string').
Yes, I have no problem with these two words. I have problems with the pipes though. The channel ids are not stacked as far as I can see, but then again, maybe they are.

If I open #3,some_file and ex #3 to test_bin, I do get a channel Id on the stack (and a word count of 1) but if I run it again, the channel Id on the stack is different. I would have thought that the [qdosmsq] channel id for SuperBasic channel #3 would remain constant, especially as I never closed the channel between executions.

Maybe, the pipe IDs are put on the stack and not the actual channel ids themselves? And each pipe is opened specially, so the ID on stack will change?

Of course, when I run the following, I get two pipes:

open #3, some_file
ex #3 to test_bin

Then, if I leave #3 open and open #4, and try again:

open_new #4,other_file
ex #3 to test_bin to #4

I get three pipes.

However, the stack for the job only shows as many #channels as I have used, one or two in the examples above.

So, my next question has to be, what are these pipes used for? And why do I get two in initially?

> ...

Morale of the story: I should have looked at the documentation first

Well, at least I had! ;-)

However, I was pretty sure that there was a document somewhere that I had read that these channels, on a job's stack, were up to a maximum of three - input, output and error. Funnily enough, I cannot find the information at all now. Was I dreaming?

And if I was dreaming, how do I know, inside a job, which channels are input, output and/or IO given what's on the stack?



Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

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