Secreted away in my trove of Sinclair materials is a box of goodies left
over from the days of SyncWare News.

SyncWare News was a technical and software featuring USA publication of
about 6 years, 1983-1989, totaling somewhere around 42 issues before it

Software (on a varity of media), articles, reviews, contest submissions,
and various bits and pieces of what was once interesting stuff, all
ZX81, TS1000, TS2068, and QL related.

Would anyone be interested enough for it to be worthwhile cattylogging
some of it and listing it for sale here?

I believe that most of the box's contents are the original submissions
for publication, so what would end up available would be the original
media, Docs, proposed article writeups and what ever else is located and
attached with the material.

Paul Holmgren

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