Again, to add more info to this topic, I offered, some years ago, to scan, OCR and convert the QUANTA REPRINT of this book (printed 1989 with, I understand, Jan Jones' permission) of which I own a copy but at the time no one managed to contact Jan to get permission to do this.

If permission could be obtained, I would still be prepared to do this on behalf of QUANTA and the distribution would then be for the QUANTA committee to decide.

A quick look at Amazon web site this evening reveals that there are two used copies available, one at just over £20 and the other at £40.00 - as Martyn says, pretty expensive.

Does anyone want to try and put me in touch with Jan?

Kind Regards,

John Gilpin.
QUANTA Membership Secretary
and QUANTA Treasurer

On 20/06/2014 19:41, Martyn Hill wrote:
Just to add my interest to getting hold of a reasonable soft-copy of this classic...

The copy I have is mostly illegible (though regularly trawled-through).

eBay has hard-copies on sale, but they're pretty expensive!


On 17/06/2014 13:10, Lee Privett wrote:
The was some move awhile ago by a few on here to get this book legitimately available in an electronic (possibly PDF) format, does anyone know how far
anyone got.

I am not talking about the one available on World of Spectrum among others
but a higher quality version.

I note Jan Jones seems to be contactable on here via


Lee Privett
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