Hi Wolfgang

Thanks for your help.

Tried double clicking no luck.

Tried the command line, again no luck get the error report 'Error: Unable to access jarfile' then the path of the SMSQmulator.jar file which is /home/pi/downloads/SMSQmulator.jar. Which I can see in the file manager.

Tried with both with and without the sudo at the start of the command line.

Clearly I have missed something somewhere.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Lenerz" <wlen...@free.fr>
To: <ql-us...@q-v-d.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Instrutions for running SMSQmulator on Raspberry Pi


do not unzip the jar file itself.

Just Double-click on the jar file.

That should do it.

Else, from a command line, type "java -jar <entire_path_and_name_of_jar_file".



On 02/16/2016 06:14 PM, Ian Burkinshaw wrote:
Can anybody help.

Have installed openjdk7 and also java 7. All seems OK

Saved and unziped the SMSQmulator file. and then the jar file

Can see all the components of the java application, but canot see how to run it.


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