did any one read my post on facebook Simon Foster

    On Friday, 1 April 2016, 10:14, François Van Emelen 
<francois.vaneme...@telenet.be> wrote:


Can this be reproduced?

Screen size 1920x1080
QPC2 V4.02 SMSQ V3.24

1. EXEP files
2. F4 to activate 'View'
3. Choose a large file with 'DO'
The 'View window' pops up and displays the content of the file
4. a 'HIT' scrolls one line at the time

This is normal behaviour... but

5. a 'DO' should scroll several lines and wait but it doesn't
This is what happens here:

a) after scrolling several lines the 'view window' disappears
b) the 'busy' sprite pops up.

If I reduce the size of window before a 'DO', behaviour is back to normal.

I noticed the same problem with SMSQmulator.

Is this reproducible  or am I missing something?

François Van Emelen

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